F is for....
Well I am not going to lie "f" has been a hard letter for me to think of something. I do not want all my blogs to be boring and so plain so it has been hard thinking of something that I think fits the bill...Lauren told me to write about...farm, freedom, frank and beans (what was she thinking?), ford, or facebook....hmm those options I do not really like.
Here I go at another session of rambling... FLOWERS...
As many of you may know or may not know I was not blessed with a green thumb for gardening. My mom and my grandmother on the other hand are wonderful gardeners. My mom is more of a plant person not so much flowers but my grandmother will have pots filled with flowers and the flowers are just overflowing and it is so pretty when you drive to her house with those flowers greeting you. I am going to try to take a cue from her and learn.
I remember when I was 18 my mom bought me a plant to try to keep and everyday she would ask me if i watered my plant and I would say no and then I would water it. So yes I watered my plant to death. OOPS!!
I have impressed myself recently about a year ago I bought a indoor green plant at Wal-Mart for very cheap. I sat it in my kitchen and it is still alive today. So I am thinking that me over watering my plants is in my past. So since I am becoming a domestic goddess (house wife) I decided I needed to try my hand at some outdoor plants. Wish me luck.
Right now I have been bugging TT about getting me 2 ferns to go on our porch I told him they would make the porch look so springy. He thinks I am crazy. I am going to get my grandmother to go with me to Lowe's to help m pick out some flowers. I want the easiest kind to take care of you know just watering very little pruning or fertilizing....I don't much care for dirt underneath my fingernails.
I will keep all 2 of my readers informed on my plant life here in Mississippi. I know everyone is on pins and needles waiting on the outcome.
I kill every plant I come in contact with!! So if you come up with something that honestly is super hard to kill, please let me know! :)
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