This little orange pill has been my life saver of the past few months. It is like pouring milk on top of your hearburn. Wonderful medicine, glad it is OTC medicine. It has gotten so bad that we have to take a pill before we can go out to eat anywhere. For example the other night we went out with some good friends of ours and Tyler wanted to get something spicy but said he could not because he forgot to take his Zantac and he knew his heartburn would be bad. Man we are 24 and 25 and we are getting very old! What are we going to be like when we turn 40? Im scared for that!
Today I am filling in at a small town Calhoun City, MS. It is a very small town that still has a square that is the "main road" and then there are other roads that come off the "main road" that lead to houses and other businesses you have to get back on the "main road" to get to another place or another buildng. Well Jackson Hewitt is right on the square so I get to watch all the traffic for the day. I got to work this morning at 9. I have seen the same truck go around the "main road" a total of 25 times already. Does this person not realize that gas is 3.18 or do they not have anything better to do? I wish I had that life...ride around all day and waste money.
I admit I have a problem. I am addicted to Phrase Frenzy on I play this game all the time. I guess the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
Well that is all for today. More to come at a later date!
1 comments: old ladies and your zantac! :)
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